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Austurlandfreeride dj ivar petur @ randulfs

March 8 at 18:00-01:00

DJ Ívar Pétur in Randúlfs - Free entry and everyone welcome!
Evening (Apres Ski) Red Bull party in and around Randulfs-sjóhús Eskifjörður.
DJ Ívar Pétur is in charge of rocking the crowd long into the night!
Open for food sales at Randulffs-sjóhús, dish of the day from 18.00-21.00.
Happy Hour offer at the bar from 18:00 - 20:00
Presentation of ski and board equipment from Fjallakofan. Unique offers on products over the weekend.
Introducing Korua Shapes snowboards.

GPS points

N65° 4' 16.711" W14° 0' 44.535"

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