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Austurland Freeride 2024

March 6 - 10

The Austurland Freeride Festival is an annual mountain skiing and snowboarding event headquartered in Eskifjörður, using Oddskarð ski area as its base. It was first held in 2020 and created by local enthusiasts: mountain guides and skiing pros who know these mountains well and could see the potential of a winter festival with a difference.

Úr einni af ferðunum á Austurland Freeride 2023. Ljósmynd: Chris Burkard
Photographer: Chris Burkard

Austurland Freeride SCHEDULE 2024

Wednesday, March 6

Splitboard and mountain skiing tours start. There are two different options, Seyðisfjörður trip and Vöðlavík trip. You need to register for both trips by sending

Email to or call 6960809. (See more details here below)

Thursday, March 7

Two tours in progress in Vöðlavík and Seyðisfjörður.

16.00-20.00: Opening hours at Oddsskarð ski resort.


Útsýnið frá Oddsskarði er magnað. Ljósmynd: Þráinn Kolbeinsson
Photographer: Þráinn Kolbeinsson

Friday, March 8

16.00-20.00: Opening hours at Oddsskarð ski resort.

17:00: Bus trip from Mjóeyri up to Oddsskarð ski resort.

18.00: Ride to Randulffs-sjós from Oddsskarð. The meeting point is by the top elevator. Route selection depends on weather and conditions.

Guide: Sævar Guðjónsson 6986980.

19.00-01.00: Evening (Apres Ski) in and around Randulffs-sjóhús Eskifjörður.

DJ Tony Tjokko on the turntables. Party manager: Valgeir Ægir.

Dish of the day will be served from 18.00-21.00. at Randulffs-sjóhús

Fjallakofinn Presents their selection of ski and snowboard equipment. Korua Shapes present their snowboards. Beer and fish jerky tasting from Beljandi Brewery.

Opið fyrir matsölu á Randulffs-sjóhús, réttur dagsins frá 18.00-21.00. Kynning á skíða- og brettabúnaði frá Fjallakofanum og tilboð á fjallaskíðabúnaði. Beljandi brugghús verður með bjórkynningu og harðfisksmakk á staðnum.

Photographer: Chris Burkard

Saturday, March 9

09:30: Bus departure from Mjóeyri to Oddsskarð ski resort.

16.00-20.00: Opening hours at Oddsskarð ski resort.

10:00-16:00: Skiing in and around Oddsskarð ski resort. Red Bull camp with Music and entertainment in Oddsskarð.

Fjallakofinn Presents their selection of ski and snowboard equipment. Korua Shapes presents their snowboards and you can try them out.

14:00: Fm Belfast DJ set in Oddsskarð.

16:00: Ride down to the sea from Oddsskarð. Route selection depends on conditions and weather. The meeting point is by the top elevator.

16.00-21.00: Evening (Apres Ski) in Randulffs-sjós FM Belfast DJ set! The perfect get together for the party in Valhöll. Fjallakofinn Presents their selection of ski and snowboard equipment. Korua Shapes presents their snowboards.

16.00-20.00: Dish of the day on offer in Randulffs-sjós.

21.00 – 01.00: Valhöll Eskifiörður. Party like there is no tomorrow with the notorious FM Belfast DJ's. The house opens at 20:00.

Price: ISK 2,500 for those who do not have a freeride pass.

Fm Belfast DJ set í Randúlffs sjóhúsi. Ljósmynd: Chris Burkard
Photographer: Chris Burkard

Sunday March 10:

10.00 Bus departure from Mjóeyri to Oddsskarð ski resort.

10.00-16.00 Opening hours at Oddsskarð ski resort.

10:00-16:00 Skiing in and around Oddsskarð ski resort. Red Bull camp with Music and entertainment in Oddsskarð.

For more detailed information and bookings you can contact us by phone: 6960809 or by email:

Our guides Skúli Júlíusson, Óskar Wild Ingólffsson, Rúnar Pétur Hjörleifsson and Barði Westin along with Sævar Guðjónsson are our hosts on the tours and will be more than willing to help with choosing lines and routes depending on conditions etc.

The Austurland Freeride Festival Pass price is: ISK 40,000.

 Pass includes:

  • The Apres ski parties on Friday and Saturday.
  • Bus trips in connection with the festival.
  • Ski passes to Oddsskarð Friday Saturday & Sunday.
  • The dish of the day Friday & Saturday evening at Randúlffs.
  • Access to Redbull Camp.
  • Assistance from our guides at Oddsskarð.
  • FM Belfast DJ set party in Valhöll, Saturday night.

Please note that you need to register additionally for the tours to Vöðlavík and Seyðisfjöur. They are not included in the festival pass.

Ticket sales for the festival are at Mjóeyri and Randulffs-sjóhús

Notice that All festival participants take part at their own risk.

For further information and news about the festival, we recommend following Austurlandfreeride on Instagram and Facebook.

Sævar and Berglind at Mjoeyri will give out more detailed information if needed. Tel. +354 698 6980 or

GPS points

N65° 3' 59.190" W13° 53' 57.972"


Oddskarð, Fjarðabyggð, Eastern Region, 736, Iceland