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Flögufoss is the highest waterfall in Breiðdalur valley, around 60 meters high. The waterfall is in the river Flöguá that runs through the Flöguskarð mountain pass. Just above Flögufoss is another small waterfall that falls to a ledge, from where the river runs under a small rock arch.  The hiking path leading to the waterfall is easy and short.
Jafnadalur is a valley in Stöðvarfjördur facing northward. At the core of the vale, there is Einbúinn - "The Hermit"- , a voluminous and solitary rock in otherwise flat surroundings. The Jafnadalur also boasts a 6 m. stonearch, located to the east of Mt. Álftafell. A walking trail connects Jafnadalur and fjord Fáskrúðsfjörður. These are agreeable surroundings and well-suited for short or extensive hikes.   Powered by Wikiloc
Vöðlavík Hiking Trails
Vöðlavík, which is sometimes called Vaðlavík, is a deserted cove south of Gerpir, where there used to be several farms. A road leads to Vöðlavík from Eskifjörður, which is only open in the summer for four-wheel drive cars. There are two marked hiking trails to Vöðlavík from Eskifjörður / Reyðarfjörður, one over Karlsskálastaður and on the other by Krossanes. From Vöðlavík there is a hiking trail to Sandvík. It is about a five-hour walk around Gerpisskarð, peaking at about 700 m.y.s. From the cove and the heath, Vöðlavíkurheiði, two mountain peaks are the most prominent: Snæfugl and Hestshaus. Disastrous maritime accidents have occurred at Vöðlavík in the past. For example, the ship Bergvík SU ran aground in Vöðlavík in December 1993. Many people still remember that in an attempt to get the ship afloat, the rescue ship Goðinn ran aground in the bay on January 10, 1994. One died at the wreck, but the Defense Forces' helicopter squadron at Keflavík Airport rescued other crew members. These events are discussed in the documentary Háski in Vöðlvík.
Búðará Canyon and Waterfall
A beautiful walking path from the center of Reyðarfjörður. Búðarárfoss can be found above Reyðarfjörður. The waterfall is full of water and falls down Búðarklettar. The river flows down through the center of the urban area of Reyðarfjörður. A pleasant footpath up the Búðarárgil, from the city center up the Búðará river. The route leads i.a. past the Icelandic Wartime Museum. The camp cliffs are very majestic as they are maintained, rock pigeons (Colombia livia) have their abode there, there is also a common raven (Corvus corax) and down in the moor there are quite a lot of stilts (Oenanathe oenanthe), mouse shrike (Troglodytes troglodytes) and snow tit (Plectrophenaxnivalis). Soon after, you come to Búarðarfoss and above it is the Reyðarfjörður Electricity Dam.  The Electricity supply was established with the joint effort of the towns people in 1930. Even higher is Svínadalur.
Gerpir is the easternmost cape of Iceland, steep and rugged, 661 meters high. It is believed that the oldest cliffs in Iceland, about 12 million years old, are found in Gerpir.  Gerpissvæðið is a true paradise for hikers. Ferðafélag Fjarðamanna has issued a hiking map of the area, which is available in information centers and shops in Fjarðabyggð.  Anyone interested in outdoor activities should visit the Gerpir area.  Powered by Wikiloc
Helgustaðanáma Hiking Trail
The Iceland spar mine in Helgustaðaland can be found on the way from Eskifjörður to Vöðlavík, and a footpath leads to it. Helgustaðanáma is an old Iceland spar mine in the land of Helgustaðir in Eskifjörður, which was protected as a natural monument in 1975. Helgustaðanáma is one of the most famous spar mines in the world, where spar was excavated from the ground from the 17th century until the first half of the 20th century. Most of the Iceland spar in museums around the world comes from the mine at Helgustaðir, but some of the largest and purest specimens of spar in the world were found in Helgustaðanáma. Iceland spar is a particularly clear crystal of the rock calcite, but the rock played a vital role in developing various studies on the properties of light. Today the Iceland spar is protected, and it is strictly forbidden to remove it from Helgustaðanáma.
Hólmatindur Hiking Trail
Hólmatindur, 985 meters high, is the pride of the people of Eskfjörður, and the beautiful peak stands on the east side of the fjord, facing the village. A challenging hiking trail leads to the mountain top, but hikers can sign a guest book at the top. Hólmatindur is one of the "Five Mountains in Fjarðabyggð " which is a project that school children invented and Ferðafélag Fjarðamanna implemented.    . Powered by Wikiloc
The haven of Mt. Grænafell by Reyðarfjörður has served as the prime location for local outdoor activities for a number of years. At the top of the mountain, a beautiful lake awaits the visitor and a spectacular gorge carves the landscape beside the fell. A paradise of fine bushes at the foot of the mount completes the icing on the cake. The tiny forest is adorned by planted trees,  brooklets and extensive rocks fragments from the cliff, reminiscent of dwellings from the land of fairy tales. The area has been made easily accessible by marked hiking trails.
The Stone Arch in Jafnadalur
Naturally carved into the stone  In the slope of mt. Álfafell, there is an exceptionally beautiful rock arch. A real charmer for any walker. Taking the walk from Stöðvarfjörður town, Einbúi, the hermit rock formation is on the way to the arch.  Álftafell is at the end of Jafnadalur valley.   
The Mountains of Stöðvarfjörður
A natural treasure. The mountains in Stöðvarfjörður are ideal for all lovers of mountaineering. Súlur, the emblem of Stöðvarfjörður, is the perfect choice for experienced climbers looking for new challenges. Mt. Kumlafell should also be recommended as a challenge. At the top, there is a hole going through the mountain top, with a view to the neighboring fjord of Fáskrúðsfjörður. For lovers of hiking, Stöðvarfjörður is also the perfect place, with ample opportunities for long and nourishing walks in beautiful surroundings.
Hafnarnesviti lighthouse is not the biggest one but is well worth the hike to get there. There was a small settlement on Hafranes. At some point, 100 people lived there, but most moved away early 20th century, and by 1970, it was completely abandoned. In 1939, the French Hospital was exported to Hafnarnes, and it stood there for about 70 years. The extensive building now forms the core of the French house cluster in Fáskrúðsfjörður.
Asknes Hiking Trail
Asknes in fjord Mjóifjörður houses the remains of a old whaling-station, which the Norwegians erected around year 1900. The factory was the largest of its kind in the world at that time. In its hayday there were 200 employees but today there are only around 40 people living in the entire Mjóifjörður region. No road lies to Asknes, but it is accessible by foot from the road innermost in the fjord.
Sandfell is a distinctive 743m. high rhyolite mountain between Stöðvarfjörður and Fáskrúðsfjörður. The best approach is from the south side of Fáskrúðsfjörður. The trail leaves the coastal road between Víkurgerði and Vík farms and proceeds along the Víkurgerðisá River before cutting west for the peak. The scenery is excellent en route, with views of Fáskrúðsfjörður, Andey and Skrúður islands. Powered by Wikiloc
A pleasant hiking trail leads from Vattarnesvegur, on the east side of the urban area on Fáskrúðsfjörður, up along Gilsá. There are numerous beautiful waterfalls on the way and you can walk behind one of them. That waterfall is called Gilsárfoss.  It takes about 15 minutes to walk to the waterfall from the road. Powered by Wikiloc
Búðará flows right through Reyðarfjörður town. In the center of the town, you will find the start of a beautiful hiking trail that runs along the river through the forested riverbank of Búðará. When you come to the War Museum, you can choose whether to walk along with a wooded lookout point along the ridge east of the War Museum or up to Búðarárfoss waterfall.
It was not until 1949 that Norðfjörður first came into road contact with the neighboring settlements. The route was through Oddsskarð, one of the highest mountain roads in the country, which was usually difficult to navigate due to heavy snow. A tunnel was built under Oddsskarð in the years 1974-1977. The tunnel is 626 m long at 632 m above sea level. Close to the pass, you´ll find one of the best ski resorts in Iceland. In the wintertime, these delightful and versatile hills call out to skiers to come and enjoy. There are hills to fit the needs of all ages and different capacities. Here can you find more info: Oddsskarð 
The beutiful wilderness at bay Norðfjarðarflói. Of the three fjords or main arms in Norðfjarðarflói bay, Viðfjörður is the most southern. The remaining two are Norðfjörður, the home to Neskaupstaður town, and Hellisfjörður. The Viðfjörður area is widely known for a beutiful walking trails, one lying along the shore from Viðfjörður to Stuðlar and Barðsnes (app. 3hrs walk). This path follows, for the most part, an old track. A bridge lies over the river Viðfjarðará. Viðfjörður was known in the 19th century as a ghostly place. Strange incidents were reported to happen, enkindling eerie stories on the viðfjörður phenomenons. A popular 20th-century Icelandic author, Þórbergur Þórðarson, described some of the ghostly goings-on at Viðfjörður decades ago in one of his books.
Neskaupstaður Nature Reserve
Iceland´s first nature reserve. The reserve, stretching from Stórilækur toward the ocean, became formally protected on November 29th, 1972, making Neskaupstaður Nature Reserve the first of its sort in Iceland. In fact, only a few towns in Iceland have access to such an ideal area for preservation at their very doorstep. The scenery and view are magnificent, while flora, fauna, and geology are varied, creating a haven for recreation, observation, and instruction in the Icelandic countryside. East of the peak Nípukollur (819m), the ridge slopes NE down to 609m. Lying along the entire eastern slope of Nípa, the protected area includes the shore and shallows into the sea. By the steep slope at the coastline, caves or hollows have been carved out by the ocean waves, of which Páskahellir cae is the largest one. Plant diversity is abundant, with characteristic plants of East Iceland blooming along with rarer species. The cliffs are inhabited by Raven and Thrush, and in the coastal cliffs various sea birds nest, including Fulmars and Puffins. Eider Ducks live at the shore. And puddles left on the rocky coastline, as well as the wave-beaten seaside cliffs, are ideal for inspecting small marine creatures, such as crustaceans, snails and barnacles. Statutory protection has two main aims. Firstly, to preserve the land and bio diversity as uninfluenced by man as possible, and secondly, to grant the public access to the rich and unspoiled Icelandic nature. To achieve these aims, visitors are kindly asked not to disturb in any way the vegetation or animal life of preserve. More information about the Neskaupstaður Nature Reserve 
A charming, richly vegetated fjord, deserted and hidden behind the mountainous peninsula across the bay from Neskaupstaður. The ruins of a whaling station that operated early in the 20th century can still be seen here. Powered by Wikiloc
Avalance Defence Structures
A part of the great outdoors in Norðfjörður. Over the last several years, impressive structures have been built above the town of Neskaupstaður, in order to protect it from snow on the towering mountain slopes. Footpaths allow you to view these structures and you can even get on top of them to enjoy a stupendous panorama of the fjord. Currently two identical defence structures have been built, but in all there´ll be four structures along the mountain side. The remaining two sets are in early preperation stage.
Sandvík Bay
Once the easternmost settlement in Iceland. Though this inlet of the Gerpir cliffs is now abandoned, it once sheltered Iceland´s easternmost settlement, and is still home to the famous ghost Glæsir. He used to precede people who were from here wherever the went, and greeted everybody by taking off his head in a friendly manner. A marked path goes from Stuðlar til Sandvík Bay, through the Sandvíkursakð mountain pass. It´s an app. three hrs. route, going 500m above sea level. The view from the mountain pass is nothing less than stunning.
At the top of Hólmaháls, just above the road, is the grave mound of a Völva (prophetess) that has protected Reyðarfjörður and Eskifjörður from attacks from sea for centuries. Legend has it that Völva lived in Sómastaðir in the 17th century, and before she died, she asked to be buried where the best view of Reyðarfjörður was. She said that the fjords, Eskifjörður and Reyðarfjörður, would never be attacked from sea as long as her bones remained intact. Later, when the Turks came to the East Fjords, they intended to sail into Reyðarfjörður and plunder, but when they sailed to the mouth of the fjord, such a thick fog came towards them that they had to turn away.  The legend also says that as long as stones are regularly added to the grave, nothing terrible will happen in the fjords. 
These brightly colorful rhyolite cliffs rise over the seashore of Barðsnes peninsula, across the bay from Neskaupstaður. Residents of the fjord have long said that if the sun shines on them in the evening, there will be good weather the next day.