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Tinna Adventure
We at Tinna Adventure are Icelandic nature and travel enthusiasts. Whether by car, on a bike or on foot, we want to share Iceland’s unique nature and tranquility with you. We have extensive experience in mountaineering. Our background also includes work with the internationally recognized Icelandic Search and Rescue Association. We travel in small groups, where each Super jeep has the maximum capacity of 4 to 10 passengers.  This is done with the objective of giving you a close and personal encounter with the magnificent Icelandic nature. Our emphasis is on slow travel and a personal connection with nature. Most of all, an experience where each passenger can take the time they wish, long or short exploring Icelandic nature on their own terms. We hold great respect for the environment and make it our goal to leave no trace where we travel. This is so that coming generations may enjoy the same beautiful nature as we do today. We also work closely with the local community and businesses. That is in the effort to create a sustainable working environment for the entire community. Please contact for tours and booking information.
Eyjar Fishing Lodge at Breiðdalsá
EYJAR LODGE is thought by some to offer the most luxurious accommodation in east Iceland. The are 8 en-suite bedrooms with tv and each bathroom has even heated floors! The lodge has also one master-suite and free Wifi is now included for all guests. Situated on the banks of the famous salmon river Breiddalsa it has breathtaking surroundings in one of Iceland's most beautiful valleys, the Breiddalur valley. We offer accommodation in the lodge all year round with first class service and ideal for those who want to enjoy the finer things in life. Breiddalur valley offers a variety of hiking trails for both the beginner and experienced hiker. The sauna and hot tub in the lodge are a great choice to relax after a nice day of sightseeing in the breathtaking scenery of Breiddalur valley and the East Fjords of Iceland. Sitting and dining rooms feature big fireplace with fantastic panoramic views of the surrounding mountain ring. Founded back in 1988, Strengir Angling Service has today established themselves as one of Iceland´s leading companies when it comes to angling in Iceland, for tourists and locals alike. Strengir has some of Iceland´s best salmon and Trout Rivers on offer that not only offers great fishing but amazing nature as well. The rivers are Breiddalsa River, Hrutafjardara River, Minnivallalaekur River plus Jokla and Fogruhlidara River. The rivers are located in North, East and South Iceland. The skilled team of Angling Service Strengir guides provides all transport in comfortable 4x4 cars, are always there to assist you when needed. Strengir does not only offer only the best fishing rivers but also the Aurora experience, and a Mountain Quad Safari among other things. They offer some of the finest lodges in Iceland where service and comfort is the main priority. Many lodges offer rooms with private baths, satellite TV, internet connection, hot tubs and more often than not, magnificent scenery. Their lodges in Jökla and Breiðdalsá are available offseason. Located in the northeast of Iceland, a good place to see the Northern Lights. In fact, they offer specific services for visitors wishing to see the Northern Lights, as well as Mountain Quad Safaris, among other things. The lodges are perfect for meetings and conferences, weddings, special occasions or just a winter getaway. The lodge's proximity to the international airport at Egilsstaðir means getting there is quick and convenient. If you are looking for a high-quality angling service in Iceland then Strengir is surely one to take a close look at.
Jórvíkurskógur is an attractive Icelandic woodland. It has all that the local people disire: Green growth and plants with berries and mushrooms. The trees are tall enough to form a wind-shelter, there ar enice hiking trails and lovely brooklets with pure water flowing briskly, old farmhouse, and green lawns. This is an ideal spot for resting peacefully and enjoy life.
Meleyri is a charming shoreline near Breiðdalsvík. This is an outdoor area, a colorful birdlife arena and popular among locals and tourists alike. The locals use this area a lot, especially during winter because snow des not stick to the sand. 
Streitishvarf is a great outdoor area, suitable for the whole family. A beautiful, short hiking trail offers a brilliant insight to the geological history of Austurland, especially the dikes that are characteristic for the area. Although the hiking trail is short, it is a great place to stop for a few hours; to play and enjoy the nature. A lighthouse was first built at Streitishvarf in 1922 and it operated until 1958, when it was removed due to the building of a new lighthouse in Breiðdalsvík. the Streitisviti lighthouse operating today was built in 1984.
A lighthouse was first built at Streitishvarf in 1922 and it operated until 1958, when it was removed due to the building of a new lighthouse in Breiðdalsvík. The Streitisviti lighthouse operating today was built in 1984.  Streitishvarf is a great outdoor area, suitable for the whole family. A beautiful, short hiking trail offers a brilliant insight to the geological history of Austurland, especially the dikes that are characteristic for the area. Although the hiking trail is short, it is a great place to stop for a few hours; to play and enjoy the nature. 
Steinasafn Petru
Ljósbjörg Petra María Sveinsdóttir was interested in stones all her life and started to collect them in earnest in 1946. Most of her stones were found in Stöðvarfjörður and other places in East Iceland because Petra didn´t go much looking for stones in other parts of the country. In 1974, Petra decided to open her home for all those that wished to look at her stones.  Petra´s receives many visitors each year and it has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in East Iceland. It´s obvious to all those that visit Petra´s, that she was an efficient stone collector but not many people know that she collected more than stones.  Petra collected marked pens, cups, and numerous other small paraphernalia and for most of her life, she collected eggs, shells, and conches. For sure, Petra´s house has slowly acquired the appearance of a nature museum, but first and foremost, it´s a home. Open from May 1st to October 31st, seven days a week from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm. Kaffi Sunnó In the year 2015, an old dream came true when Kaffi Sunnó was opened. The guests can buy delicious soups and bread, hot and cold drinks and something sweet. Open from May 1st to October 31st, seven days a week from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm. 
Gallery Snærós and grafic center
Gallerí Snærós and the graphic centre is located in Stöðvarfjörður, run by the initiative of artists Sólrún Friðriksdóttir and Ríkharður Valtingojer. Their atelier ranks among the best graphic workshops in the country. A visit can be arranged to watch the artists at work or even take a private course !
Between Breiðdalur valley and Stöðvarfjörður there are three steep lines emanating from the mountain Súlur. Peninsula Kambanes is an ideal area for outdoor activities of any kind.
The Vattarnes peninsula is part of a beautiful coastline between Reyðarfjörður and Fáskrúðsfjörður. Vattarnesviti lighthouse is located on Vattarnes. It used to be part of the official way between those two towns, which are now connected by a tunnel. On a good day, choosing the longer way is well worth it.
Between Reyðarfjörður and Eskifjörður you can visit the Nature reserve Hólmanes. This is an ideal place to enjoy a good walk either down to the sea or up the hills. Birds and remarkable rock formations can be enjoyed in Hólmanes. With luck, you could stumble upon a herd of reindeers. Powered by Wikiloc
Mjóeyri Fjordlife
Mjóeyri Cottages are one of Eskifjörður’s trademarks. They are the charming, red-colored fishing sheds of Norwegian origin. Our cottages are located on the Mjóeyri peninsula, just outside the village, and offer unbelievable tranquility and a stunning view over the fjord and the surrounding mountains. We offer three kinds of cottages of different sizes.  Each cottage is homey and includes equipped kitchens, living area, and bathroom facilities.  TV, bed linen, towels, and free Wifi is available in the cottages.  The biggest cottages are 39m2 and can accommodate 4-6 persons and the smaller, 24m2 and 29m2, can accommodate 2-4 persons.  Breakfast is available upon advanced notice. Dinner is available during the summer season June – September and is served in our restaurant Randúlfs Sea House, about 500 meters from the guesthouse.  The original house was built in 1885. It has been renovated, updated, and newly decorated, and now it bears the mark of the old and the new times. We put our efforts into creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. From the guesthouse, there is an excellent view of the fjord and the town of Eskifjordur. We offer accommodations in four bedrooms; single, double and twin with joint cooking facilities, a living room, and washroom facilities. All rooms have radio and TV. The premises are a no-smoking area. A spacious veranda lends access to the breakfast room. Bathhouse with sauna, showers, toilets and washing machine is also available for our guests and Jacuzzi in a boat is located in front of the bathhouse.  
Oddsskarð Skiing Area
One of the best skiing areas in Iceland is located in Oddskarð pass, between Eskifjörður and Norðfjörður. In the Oddskarð, there is a tow lift that goes up to 840 meters above sea level, where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of Reyðarfjörður . The skiing area has two tow lifts and a children's lift, suitable facilities for snowboarders, and a ski lodge with catering facilities. The ski center also offers a skiing course for the youngest children. Around Easter, there is usually a lot to do in Oddskarð. There is a family festival with many fun traditions, such as the "Sunday best" ski day, Easter egg hunt, and Gunnar Ólafsson's memorial tournament. Then the snowboarders are made high under their heads with neatly made snowboard tracks and platforms. Open in winter Monday to Friday 14:00 to 20:00, Saturday to Sunday 10:00 - 16:00 as long as there is snow. Ski and snowboard rental.
Mjóeyri is a beautiful place outside the village in Eskifjörður. There is a lighthouse and a beach where it is fun to play.  Mjóeyri was the last execution site in Austurland, and there is an information board on the grave of the last man who was executed at Mjóeyri.  Today, Mjóeyri is a thriving tourism place where, among other things, you can get guidance around the area.
It was not until 1949 that Norðfjörður first came into road contact with the neighboring settlements. The route was through Oddsskarð, one of the highest mountain roads in the country, which was usually difficult to navigate due to heavy snow. A tunnel was built under Oddsskarð in the years 1974-1977. The tunnel is 626 m long at 632 m above sea level. Close to the pass, you´ll find one of the best ski resorts in Iceland. In the wintertime, these delightful and versatile hills call out to skiers to come and enjoy. There are hills to fit the needs of all ages and different capacities. Here can you find more info: Oddsskarð 
Skorrahestar, riding tours
Skorrahestar offers short and long horse riding tours as well as hiking tours in the fjords by the Atlantic Ocean. We are located in Nordfjördur on the east coast of Iceland where we have our farm Skorrastadur for many years now. Here visitors can connect with nature, country life, folklore, and the unique Icelandic horse. Hiking and riding paths are chosen carefully to create lasting impressions with our visitors. The tour length is not measured in kilometers but by experiences. Local guides, reliable horses and our housewife´s delicacies form the basis of the very good comments we receive from our guests and can be found on and You can also visit our website and find us on (Skorrahestar) to look at pictures from previous tours and our farm and read a detailed description of all our upcoming tours. Accommodation is also available at our farm. Please don´t hesitate to contact us by e-mail
Gerpir is the easternmost cape of Iceland, steep and rugged, 661 meters high. It is believed that the oldest cliffs in Iceland, about 12 million years old, are found in Gerpir.  Gerpissvæðið is a true paradise for hikers. Ferðafélag Fjarðamanna has issued a hiking map of the area, which is available in information centers and shops in Fjarðabyggð.  Anyone interested in outdoor activities should visit the Gerpir area.  Powered by Wikiloc
Menningarstofa Fjarðabyggðar
Menningarstofa Fjarðabyggðar (Fjardabyggd Cultural Office) was established in 2017, and its role is to support and promote cultural activities in Fjardabyggð. Menningarstofa works with people in cultural life and helps them and encourages good work. Menningarstofa Fjarðabyggðar is committed to ensuring all residents' access to culture and arts, regardless of residence, origin, and socioeconomic status. Menningarstofa is connected with grassroots organizations in culture, such as amateur theatre companies and choirs, and promotes good access to local housing events.  Menningarstofa connects theatre, primary and music schools, museums, and other municipal institutions with professionals from creative industries. Menningarstofa works to increase access to innovative learning and work in collaboration with educational directors, sports and leisure representatives, and the Fjardabyggð Museum-Institute. Furthermore, the Menningarstofa encourages creative processes in schools, cultural and leisure activities in Fjardabyggð. Tónlistarmiðstöð Austurlands is operated by Menningarstofa Fjarðabyggðar. Its Concert Hall, located in Eskifjörður, is very popular for most types of concerts. The music center is well equipped, and the house's soundtrack is excellent, but the design of a building creates visual and acoustic intimacy between performers and concertgoers. The place is also very convenient for various exhibitions, any conference, and meetings. However, the Events of Tónlistarmiðstöð Austurlands are not confined to the hall in Eskifjörður at all, as Menningarstofa Fjarðabyggðar is responsible for music-related events in all of Fjardabyggð.
Neskaupstaður Nature Reserve
Iceland´s first nature reserve. The reserve, stretching from Stórilækur toward the ocean, became formally protected on November 29th, 1972, making Neskaupstaður Nature Reserve the first of its sort in Iceland. In fact, only a few towns in Iceland have access to such an ideal area for preservation at their very doorstep. The scenery and view are magnificent, while flora, fauna, and geology are varied, creating a haven for recreation, observation, and instruction in the Icelandic countryside. East of the peak Nípukollur (819m), the ridge slopes NE down to 609m. Lying along the entire eastern slope of Nípa, the protected area includes the shore and shallows into the sea. By the steep slope at the coastline, caves or hollows have been carved out by the ocean waves, of which Páskahellir cae is the largest one. Plant diversity is abundant, with characteristic plants of East Iceland blooming along with rarer species. The cliffs are inhabited by Raven and Thrush, and in the coastal cliffs various sea birds nest, including Fulmars and Puffins. Eider Ducks live at the shore. And puddles left on the rocky coastline, as well as the wave-beaten seaside cliffs, are ideal for inspecting small marine creatures, such as crustaceans, snails and barnacles. Statutory protection has two main aims. Firstly, to preserve the land and bio diversity as uninfluenced by man as possible, and secondly, to grant the public access to the rich and unspoiled Icelandic nature. To achieve these aims, visitors are kindly asked not to disturb in any way the vegetation or animal life of preserve. More information about the Neskaupstaður Nature Reserve 
Sólbrekka Mjóifjörður
Sólbrekka guesthouse/Café and cottages in Mjóifjörður are by road no. 953 The nearest town is Egilsstaðir, 42 km. Two cottages located right below the house Brekka. Each house has sleeping place for 4-5 persons, a bedroom with double bed on the ground floor as well as a sleeping loft with space for 2. On the lower floor is a fully equipped kitchenette, kitchen table, sofa bed and sofa table. Made up bed accommodation. Hot tub on the terrace is available from June - September/October. Free internet connection. Beautiful view over the fjord.  Sólbrekka guesthouse has 5 rooms (4x triple rooms and 1x family room for 6 persons), a shared kitchen and lounge and three bathrooms with showers. Sleepingbag- or made up bed accommodation is possible. Free internet connection is provided for overnight stays and use of washer and dryer. In front of the guesthouse there are outdoor benches, tables and chairs and a playground is close by.  The camping site is on the lawn in front of the guesthouse and a possibility of electricity for RVs. Bike rental is at Sólbrekka and you can rent bicycles all day or part of the day. Great hiking trails in the area, some marked and hiking map for sale. Beautiful waterfalls, magnificent nature view and ideal berry picking in the fall. Service hours: Sólbrekka cottages open all year around. Sólbrekka guesthouse 06.06. - 15.09. Sólbrekka camping site 01.06. - 30.09. Sólbrekka Café 10.06 - 20.08. To see a 360° photo of Sólbrekka, please click here.

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Kaj Kayak Club Kirkjufjara 740 Neskaupstaður 863-9939
Fell Horse Rental Fell 760 Breiðdalsvík 8974318